Is your beloved SUV, the one you’ve had for 10 years, acting up on you? Don’t have the heart or finances to trade it in? No worries! In this blog post, we’ll cover some ways to keep your vehicle running like new. With proper maintenance, some tune-ups, and regular care, we’ll help you get your vehicle running smoothly. If you’re located near Central Missouri, look no further than KB Tire &
Auto Repair in Moberly, Mo
for all of your auto repair needs! We offer a variety of services, including glass repair, alignments, brake service, and more. To learn more about our services, see our
services page
contact us.
There are a lot of things you can do to keep your vehicle running properly before you ever have to take it into the shop for repairs. One of the best ways to keep your car running like new is to change the oil and the oil filter routinely. You should get your vehicle’s oil changed about every 4,000-6,000 miles, or every three to six months. Additionally, you should have all other fluids, including brake fluid, checked regularly. Often, this is included in an oil change. Keep your tires in good condition by paying attention to your tire pressure and filling them when the low pressure light comes on. However, sometimes minor issues require auto repair services. If your steering feels off or your brakes are squeaking, give us a call to set up an appointment. We’d be happy to take a look and complete an alignment adjustment or brake fluid check. Most importantly, don’t wait if something feels or sounds off. The longer you wait, the more damage you could potentially cause to your vehicle.
FAQ’s about Auto and Tire Repair in Moberly, Mo
At KB Tire & Auto, we want you to enjoy driving your vehicle and feel safe doing so. Part of that is keeping you vehicle in great condition. Here are a few commonly asked questions, and ways you can keep your vehicle running like new :
How often should I get my oil changed?
My tire pressure light came on, what do I do?
My check engine light came on, what does that mean?
My car is making a squeaking noise, what is it?
How often should I have my brakes serviced?
Something is wrong with my car, but I’m not sure what it is. What’s the best thing to do?
If you’re experiencing issues with your vehicle, give us a call at KB Tire & Auto Repair in Moberly, Mo. We pride ourselves on having high quality, honest service, and our main goal is to get you back on the road safely. Have questions or need to set up an appointment? Give us a call!
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